Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mexican Chicken - Slow Cooker

Last night, I set the slow cooker and made a batch of Mexican Chicken to thank the child care "help"  You have to thank the help once in a white to keep the masses happy (Thanks Mom and Dad).  Luckily, Kristin will be there today as well, so I was hoping to get everyone at once. 

1 can of diced tomatoes
1 can of black beans
1 can of jalapenos
chicken parts
taco seasoning packet

Put the chicken in the bottom of the slow cooker.  Mix the rest of the ingredients together, then pour it on top of the chichen.  Set on low for 6-8 hours.  Remove chicken to shred.  I sometimes add frozen corn to the pot 30 min before it's done.  You can serve it with rice or tortilla chips.  I usually just eat it by itself out of a bowl.  As with most clow cooker things, it's best the next day. 

I got this one from  I don't know who they are, but they have some good recipes.  This one is shockingly heavy on processed food.  I stick to my rule.  If I don't know exactly what it is and where it came from, I don't eat it (except Diet Coke).

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