Thursday, November 15, 2012

Whole Wheat Bread - White Whole Wheat

This is the greatest bread recipe in the world.  It is true, homemade, 100% whole wheat bread.  Easy and tastes great.  Thank you god for the people who wrote Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.  They have done a good service to the world and will surely make it into heaven.
Original 100% Whole Wheat Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day Recipe
1 1/2 C hot water
1 1/2 C cold milk
1 1/2T yeast (two envelopes)
1T & 1tsp salt
1/2C Honey
5T neutral flavored oil
6 2/3C White Whole Wheat flour (King Arthur's)
Mix it all together either with a wooden spoon or with the bread hook of your mixer.  Once it is all incorporated, cover with a nice dish towel, set it somewhere relatively warm and without a draft,  and let it rise for 2-3 hours.  If you keep you house cool in the winter (because you can't afford your heat), you can put it in the oven, or even set it out to rise for 5-6 hours,  It will rise eventually, even if you can't afford to support Con Edison. 

Then, with wet hands, punch it down. Cover it and put it in the fridge.  I recommend letting it sit for a day.  When you are ready to use it, sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of flour on the top of the dough.  Take out about half of the dough (about the amount of a cantaloupe).  Tuck the edges under to make a ball.  Place in a buttered loaf pan.  Let it rise for 1 hour and 40 min.  Pre heat your oven to 350.  Move one of the racks to the very bottom.  On that rack, place a pie pan filled with water.  This will create steam while your bread is baking.  Once the oven is pre heated, throw in the bread and let it cook for 40-50 min.  I find that I need to place a sheet of foil over the top of the bread after 40 min so the top doesn't get too brown. 

Let it sit for about 10 min.  Then take it out of the loaf pan and let cool completely on a wire rack.  My mother taught me a trick - let it cool while resting on its side.  This helps it keep its shape.  (I think). 

Once it's cool, you can slice it and eat it.  DO NOT eat the whole thing.  Honestly, that's not good.  I think normal people only eat 1-2 slices a bread a day.  They are not tempted to eat the entire loaf in one day.  I don't understand those people.

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